Destined for Greatness Accountability Program

7 Modules

Welcome to Destined for Greatness Accountability!

Happy Accountability Eve! SLEEP!!! One of the best way to prepare for getting the best sleep is putting your wake time and bed time in your schedule first!

Week 1: Routine

To reach dreams and goals it is essential to have a routine. A routine allows focus, consistency, and expectedness. It is easier to say no to things that don’t fall in line with your goal when you know what your day and routine look like. When you get into a routine you can accomplish so much more. 

Week 2: Fruit

Making sure our moments matter is important in the success of your day. If you are really good at your routine but what you do in the day doesn’t directly impact your goals, then what is the point? Making sure that what you are doing is fruitful in your day will allow you to reach your goals quicker. Matthew 3:10 “Yes, every tree that does not produce good fruit will be chopped down and thrown into the fire”. If you don’t have good fruit, its bad fruit, and we don’t want any bad fruit keeping you from your goals. 

Week 3: Power of Words

What words are ringing in your ear the most? Positive or negative? What we hear, we begin to believe. When we hear words like, worthly, capable, smart, finisher, creative, we begin to become them even more. If we plant negative seeds in our mind, unfortunately we believe them too. Decided to be the most positive person you know. 

Week 4: Daily Deposits

Small daily deposits equal great success. Sowing our seeds (our work) into a routine daily will allow our fruit to grow. Doing a little bit every single day is far better than doing a lot in one day and then leaving it alone. Think about how a brick house is built, one brick at a time. If you went one day and did all the work you could and then took a 3 week break, the house would take forever. But if every single day you spent time on a layer of the home before you knew it your home would be built. It is the same with any dream and goal you have. You must invest your time daily into the people and goals that you wish to grow. 

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 Destined for Greatness Accountability Program
 $125.00 USD

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